While we all aim to succeed in the competitive business arena by being innovative, efficient and quality-driven, one should never compromise on compliance both to company-specific and statutory regulations as responsible corporate citizens. We respect applicable laws, including international laws, and we require our employees and encourage our business partners to do likewise.
During the summer months, we organised several events to provide access to useful and necessary information and resources for our team to ensure our ongoing adherence to company rules and applicable laws and our general commitments in these areas.
1. We invited the Fire Service Department to conduct a fire safety seminar and fire drill for us in early August. Well-known for our efficiency, our staff managed to evacuate the office in 5 minutes and 21 seconds, much faster than the six-minute arrival pledge by the Fire Service Department! Great job, guys!

We did it! It took us just 5:21 to evacuate the office, more than half a minute faster the arrival pledge by fire fighters.
2. Crima and Jeff attended the Red Cross first aid training course held on August 6. Look at the perfect slings they tied.

3. We invited ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) to conduct a seminar on anti –corruption for our staff on Jul 29. Through the interactive seminar, our colleagues learnt about fairness in business dealings, where corruption is most prone and how we must we must keep corporate and personal interest separate. Very useful and insightful!