Calligraphy Workshop for Beginners
Theme: Slow Living series – Expressing Through Calligraphy
Date: Mar 3rd Sunday
日期: 3月3日 星期日 下午
Time: 14:00-16:30
Venue: Shenzhen Alicenter
地点: 深圳南山阿里中心
Fee: ¥680/session
Course introduction:
Instructor: Kaye Shu
Kaye started her journey in the art of penmanship during elementary school years in Hong Kong where cursive penmanship was the mandatory form of writing.
A calligraphy course in college prompted her fascination in penning with dip pens and ink. She has since been mentored by a number of master calligraphers and her repertoire grows to cover various calligraphy fonts and lettering.
After a long tenure in the auction and fashion industry, Kaye left her corporate life to be the Development Director at Printer & Co., promoting fine stationery and the art of handwriting through slow-living workshops.
Kaye舒凱欣自小學開始她的英文書法之旅,當時的功課考試都規定以英文草書完成。在大學的時候上了西洋書法班,自始便與筆、墨水和紙本結下不解緣。其后,她跟从几位在欧洲及美国的西洋书法大师学习不同的字体和技巧,其中包括美国前里根总统的御用书法家Michael Sull。
在国际拍卖公司和时装品牌工作过后,Kaye最终离开了这些传统大企业来成为Printer & Co. 的拓展总监,推廣高級紙品文具及舉行慢活工作坊來教導書法和欣賞手寫書法的美。已经与60多个大牌合作过,包括Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Hermes, Tiffany & Co., Burberry, Rolls Royce, Loewe, Burberry, Moncler 等一系列均有合作。